Churchwide Ministry at Covenant


Covenant Prayer Service. On most Wednesday nights, we hold a prayer service in the Chapel at the same time as our midweek ministries for youth and children. Additionally, for all months with five Sundays, on the fifth Sunday we hold a prayer service in lieu of our regular evening worship service. See weekly bulletin for more details.


Mercy Ministry. Mercy and service are responsibilities of all believers. Deacons are especially charged to lead and encourage the congregation in acts of mercy and service. If you would like to participate in our mercy and service ministries, or if you have any specific mercy or service needs, please contact our Congregational Care Coordinator, CB Campano and she will direct you to the appropriate deacons.

Music Ministry. Covenant's music ministry provides many opportunities to serve the Lord through music and fellowship as we all strive for “…excellence in all things, and all things to the glory of God”. You are invited to participate in our music ministry through membership in our Choirs and Ensembles. If you would like to serve the church with music, please contact our Organist, Kae Corbin.

Missions. Covenant maintains a strong and enduring commitment to world missions. There are many opportunities to get involved in sustaining this global outreach.  If you are interested in learning more about missions and about the missionaries we support, please contact our Missions Committee.


Christian Education (CE) Hour. Every Sunday morning from 9:15-10:15am Covenant offers multiple CE classes for adults. Each class provides an opportunity for fellowship and instruction in a variety of topics including biblical studies, history, and practical theology. 

Covenant Library. Our library is well stocked with a large collection of books, CDs, and DVDs. In addition to having an extensive collection of theological literature, the library houses a large collection of Covenant’s worship services and sermon recordings. Additionally, Covenant also has a children’s library housing many volumes of wholesome children’s literature. These libraries are valuable resources to aid in our church body’s growth in grace. Contact the church office with any questions.

Little Bookstore. The Little Bookstore exists to disseminate distinctly Reformed literature at the best prices possible. It is located in the hallway connecting the vestibule and the fellowship hall. Please stop by and view our selections, and if you need help contact Vicky McWilliams.